name is LaRell. I am 38 years old, married, with a 6 (and a half) year old stepdaughter. I have lived a very interesting life, full of obtaining knowledge and experience in a number of things that I hope can be of interest or help to someone out there.
My interests include:
1. All things media related.
Photography, videography, computer graphic design, music and audio production, film making.
2. Aviation.

I am a licensed commercial helicopter pilot, I just haven't flown one for a long time.
3. Family and personal growth

- I struggle with this. It is one of my big interests, but I still struggle to make it happen. I have noticed that all of the happy, successful people I know, are into person growth and development, and they either know who they are, or they are working hard every day to figure out who they are, so they can be there for others in their life.
4. Vehicles

- I have always had a fascination with engines and cars and trucks and anything that drives or flies under it's own power. I have owned many many vehicles of all sorts over the years. Cars, trucks, SUV's, big rig trucks, military trucks. I am a mechanic, and understand gas and diesel engines like a psychologist understands the brain.
5. While I am making more and more of a conscious effort to not put any focus on this...I am transgender.

Meaning I was born a boy, but always knew my entire life that something was wrong, and despite my interest in many things considered of more "masculine" interest, I was always drawn to the feminine, and always felt as though I was meant to be born a girl. And eventually, I finally reached the point where, living according to how I felt inside was the most beneficial thing for me to do. So I do. I'm happy. People have a hard time accepting it, and it is hard for me to have credibility in a world where we are seen as mentally incompetent. But I have a lot of knowledge, and information to share, and I'm not going to let the fact that I appear "different" keep me from doing the same things millions of other people do every day. I am living my life.
6. One of my biggest passions currently, is video production. I have always been into photography, but videography is a whole new beast to tame! To take a nice photograph, the conditions have to be perfect for just a split second. Video is a compilation of thousands of photographs merged together. It is far more difficult to manipulate the conditions to capture nice video. So it is a challenge that I enjoy taking on, and learning new techniques. I enjoy creating fun little videos for now as I practice my skills, and editing. Eventually I would love to create beautiful documentaries about peoples lives and other interests. I have a few different YouTube channels where I upload videos of various categories.
My main YouTube channel is where I upload most of my random videos and product review videos, and how to videos.
My second YouTube Channel is where I will be uploading informational videos about how various things work and function.
My Third YouTube Channel is where I upload videos talking about my transgender transition journey and experiences along the way.
